Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cross Platform Application Development Using Xamarin Framework

2. Unlimited

Xamarin not try to force the community on both platforms, since the functions of the user interface and the SDK are distinguished. It retains its identity without any force.

Some development tools platform applications try to add more flavor to the existing environment and make the application is very different from others, thereby alienating the user. Xamarin, moreover, includes each unique platform.

Xamarin includes .NET classes that are specific to both platforms, exhibiting their unique characteristics. Combining classes with specific classes core.NET platform allows applications to share the logic on both platforms.

3. Time to market faster

Xamarin allows developers to code the logic of the application once and then share in both app stores. If applications are based on native environments, the logic should be applied twice, once in Java, and then Objective-C.

More code to be written, and therefore the market once not fast enough. With Xamarin, developers can focus on building the application features. Xamarin reduces development time but does not reduce the development time in half. The code must be written on both platforms, but ultimately, the time required will be relatively small.

4. Fewer errors

Xamarin allows developers to encode once, resulting in fewer errors. Moreover, the errors can be corrected quickly and easily tracked. This system also provides greater test coverage. You can write one set of tests that check the code for both iOS and Android platforms. Command the application is artificially divided in each test on a platform at a time.

5. Ready for the future

With the strength of the family followed Microsoft, Windows Phone has a real chance to make it big in the smartphone race with Xamarin. Apps for iOS / Android will have a real chance to be ready to support Windows Phone with a total logikoy.AnPrilozhenie can be created without any investment in the development of Windows Phone. This will mean that Xamarin support three smartphone platforms in the near future. This is a set of tools that allows developers to build applications that support multiple platforms with minimal discomfort.

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