Thursday, January 17, 2019

Protect your Laptop From Fluid Damage

prevent your laptop from sustaining damage immediately after spilling a liquid on it. Keep in mind that although the following information
is the best way to handle a spill yourself, there is no guarantee that your laptop will be stored safely; similarly,
 seeking professional help is a far better solution.

The process:

Unplug the laptop and turn it off.
Take the laptop out of the liquid.
Turn the laptop over and remove the battery.
Disconnect the external equipment.
Open the laptop and place it on a towel.
Wipe off any remaining liquid.
Remove all the material you can.
Dry internal components and remove any residue.
Allow drying for at least 24 hours before turning it on.

#. Turn off the laptop and disconnect it from its power source immediately -

To do so, just hold down the laptop's power button. If the liquid touches the circuits on the laptop while they are active,
 your laptop will most likely shorten, so the time is very important.

To disconnect the laptop from a power source, simply remove the charging cable from the laptop. It is usually on the left
or right side of the laptop.

#. Remove the laptop from the residual liquid -

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