Saturday, October 13, 2012

Field Communication for Mobile Payments

Field Communication Technology has been a much anticipated and desired feature of smartphones and other "E-Wallet" devices. The technology is already available on smartphones and new models are mainly used for the exchange of images and documents from one phone to another without doing anything more than playing together quickly phones.

NFC technology has recently been explored to make mobile payments with your smartphone or "E-Wallet" device. If successful, will eliminate the need to always carry a credit card or cash back.
As with any new technology, there are issues that must be resolved before it can catch on like wildfire. Some of these topics are:

Safety is the absolute most important factor when considering a new device or piece of software that will be used for handling sensitive information. As soon as a new technology was born, almost immediately, find someone trying to exploit for profit. We have to be 100% sure that the only people capable of using our bank information to execute a charge are people who have been authorized to do so.Read More

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