Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Space Age Robotic Suits Helping Cerebral Palsy Kids walk

Reported profits of Lokomat therapy are: 1) the ability to maintain a constant rate of motion , allowing the therapeutic to hold for long periods of time 2) to improve circulation, strengthen muscles and improve muscle tone 3 year ) strengthening the bones that are otherwise at risk of osteoporosis from disuse .

The Lokomat patented Hocoma , a Swiss company , received FDA approval in 2002 and therefore is covered by some insurance programs. Upon CBS history , there were 6 Lokomats in the United States.

The second story revolves around 18 years old, Austin Hammer, a young man who suffers from spastic diplegia , which has seen great improvements in the use of a tailored specialized compression was initially designed for use by the Soviet space program preserve and maintain healthy muscle tone during extended stays in zero gravity of space stations . The lawsuit, known as the Euro -Ped tailored therapy has a vest , shorts, knee replacement , shoes and a helmet , all connected , bungee cords - like rubber . The computer-controlled voltage mimics the natural lengthening and shortening of healthy human muscles and natural movement. Like the Lokomat , an hour or two , daily sessions of repetitive, controlled walking machine is sufficient to train the muscles and motor skills . Continued treatment in the Euro National Center - Peds Intensive Pediatric Physical Therapy in Pontiac , MI Austin has the ability to walk short distances without help, something he could not do before.

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